SearchBots: Lost Children or Hungry Psychopaths?

What Do Searchbots Actually Do?

Brighton SEO, April 13th 2012

Speaking at Brighton SEO

I was lucky enough to be invited by Kelvin Newman of SiteVisibility to speak at this springs Brighton SEO conference, a monster SEO conference, one that apparently has the biggest SEO conference audience in the UK, if not Europe. 1000 tickets went in around 15 minutes when the tickets became available.

The day itself was intense, with terrific talks (the panel at the start was excellent entertainment as well as being informative - Pierre Far from Google certainly had to earn his keep), nerf gun fights, swing ball competitions, and much more. It was an amazing event, much kudos is due to Kelvin and SiteVisibility for organising it and keeping it all running so smoothly.

I gave my talk around 12.30pm .....:

Me, on stage, as calm as you can be in front of 1000 people ...

.... and it seemed to go well; people laughed at a reasonable number of the jokes, and I received some pretty positive comments afterwards:

#brightonseo tweets

There's plenty of reviews around:


You can watch the whole thing here ....:

Slides and Explanatory Notes:

And you can find my slides with lonnnnng explanatory notes at:

Brighton SEO: Lost Children or Hungry Psychopaths? What Do Searchbots Actually Do?

Huge Thanks Again

Big thanks again go to Kelvin and SiteVisibility: for the prep beforehand, the event, hospitality, and the opportunity to talk

Swirly Picture of Me

Finally, love this swirly picture of me! Thanks to Silicon Beach Training

Silicon Beach Training: Brighton SEO 2012 Round Up - Top 5 Takeaways from Every Talk (Morning Session)