A Book, a Demo, and Some D3 Slides

Various d3.js related things have been going on over the past few months. Below is a little recap:

D3 Book on Reusable D3

D3 book

A D3 book I've co-authored on how to write reusable D3 is finally out.

A Quite Complicated D3 Demo

D3 Demo

I put together a quite complicated (I like to think so) demo of both reusable D3, but also D3 taking an MVC style approach at: https://bl.ocks.org/cloudshapes/5909708. There's a long and very detailed explanation up on the Safari Books Online Blog.

Talk at the London D3 Meetup

Finally, last night (Tuesday July 23rd), I gave a talk at the July London D3 Meetup. Slides are up at /exp/london-d3-talk/. The slides do also contain some information regarding how to use D3 with backbone.js and angular.js, kindly supplied by co-authors of the book, Chris Viau, Andrew Thornton).